Here’s the latest from around the network.
The Jockeys comic has received a few new comics lately, introducing the newest addition to the cast, Speck. Speck is Joey Jockey’s dog, and a little bit on the aggressive side. Jackie Jockey isn’t that worried, but their cousin Bernie is more then a little concerned
If you’ve not read The Jockeys before, it’s our webcomic about two radio DJs, Joey and Jackie Jockey and their cousin Bernie (who happens to be a monster), and their misadventures between each other and their job that none of them is really qualified for. Other cast members include pet trainer Don Earl and Jackie’s killer pet snake, Snakey.
AlphaSports’ is still following the career of Rick Daniel, point guard for the Atlanta Hawks in NBA 2K11. After winning an NBA title in Denver with a poor supporting cast he jumped ship to Atlanta and they’ve been riding a 20+ game winning streak. Recently they hit a roadblock, and thing’s got rough.
AlphaSports began running with the launch of NBA 2K10, and has followed Rick Daniel’;s career since. In NBA 2K10 he went from the Reno Bighorns of the NBADL to being an LA Clippers backup and ultimately a star on the Orlando Magic. In NBA 2K11 he was drafted by the Miami Heat before being traded in his second year to Denver.
Alazar’s been quiet lately but recent updates include Gavelier running instances with his guild, KILLING SPREE. No real loot for Gav since the guild was running non-heroics to get non max-level players geared up but it was fun and informative.
Alazar launched in October 28th and is the second oldest part of the network behind itself. When it first launched my main, Gavelier, a human retribution paladin, was just level 48. Since then he hit level 80 during Wrath of the Lich King, learned to run dungeons and raids, and got hooked on pvp (especially Lake Wintergrasp). Including both diary-style content about Gav and occasional news blurbs, Alazar is something that I take allot pride in.
That’s all for now, everyone. Hopefully you found something new to read that you like.
Alphasim out..