Me In Minecraft

Today’s goal is to polish up my home defense and make a strong drive for the diamond I need for my pickaxe. Things don’t go quite as planned, but that’s normal for me anyways.

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Light! Shining from a moat in front of my house! Whatever could it be?

Me In Minecraft

Why, lava of course! A lave filled moat to protect my house was a great idea, except that I was constantly afraid of falling into it. Thus, a change had to be made.

Me In Minecraft

Enter my new, much more conventional water moat. The water flows into a drain below my house.

Me In Minecraft

This is said drain. It’s kept at bay by a wall of half-height cobblestone slabs. This may be the most useless thing I’ve built – my house area is so well lit that nothing has ever fallen into my moat and drowned.


Me In Minecraft

Me In Minecraft

Even so, my moat can be drained, using switches, redstone and pistons to close off the flow of water for easy moat maintenance. This doubles as the second most useless thing I’ve ever built.

Me In Minecraft

After converting my house’s façade to cobblestone, I felt comfortable with it’s safety. It’s now time to make a serious push for the materials to go to the nether.

I mined for the longest time, clearing out my subterranean spaces, coming up with stack after stack of redstone but not a single diamond or gold ingot. I wanted the gold to put together a watch – one of my favorite items in the game.

At one point I was clearing out a corner and carved into one of my earlier tunnels when I came across what looked like a creeper lying on it’s face. It was actually a slime, which I had not encountered before. I let it follow me for a while since it was effectively harmless. It was too slow to hurt me so I kited it around my mine before finally poking it with my sword. Pop went the slime, and I came away with two slime balls Not I just have to figure out what to use them for.

Back to the mining (obviously the most exciting thing I could do) I chipped away at yet more useless cobblestone when something glinted back at me.

Me In Minecraft

Gold! I had found gold! Yeee-haaa! Mine them thar gold nuggets out, then le’s saddle up and ride out of here! *ahem* Sorry, discovering gold brings out the prospector in me. I found exactly four pieces, just enough for my watch. Still, diamond eludes me.

Me In Minecraft

While I was at it, I picked up a playmate for my dog. I’ve named them Bingo and Bongo. Just don’t ask me which one it which – I can’t tell the damn things apart.

So this time I’ve found my gold and finished up my home security. Now I need to quest out and find some diamond. I know just where to look, too:

A hole I call “Creeper Cave.”