Minecraft 1.1 has been out for a while, but just recently have I gotten to toy with with it. One of it’s more interesting features for builders is the new super-flat world. I decided to take a quick look at it, and found it…  interesting.


Here it is, the new option for creating a super-flat world. I like that you can turn structures off, because honestly, if you’re trying to build something – and if you weren’t, why are you in a super-flat world? – do you really want an NPC village in your way? Ok, Flatland is being generated, so let’s go look at it.


It’s… flat. I guess I should have expected that. But hey, it’s barren and free for me to build!


Wait, what’s that? A slime?


Oh you have to be kidding me. Slimes of all sizes spawn everywhere around me. The reason is made all too clear with the help of a little TNT.



We’re all of about three blocks above bedrock. Why??


Look, I can almost see out of the hole, and I’m on standing on bedrock. You know, I can think of something better to stick in this hole.


Go on, get in there.


Good boy.


Now you stay there while I round up your friends.


Actually, 1.1 added creature-spawning eggs. Let’s fill up this menagerie with some more rare specimens.


Let’s bring some pigmen to Earth. They don’t get to visit here very often do they?


Did you know pigmen burned in the sun? Neither did I. Apparently they don’t die though so let’s bring them a friend from the nether to keep them company.


Here you go. You’re on fire, the blaze is on fire – you’re like kin now.


I decided to liven up the party with a ton of everyone’s favorite party starter. They always kick things off with a bang, don’t they? Except here. They won’t attack me. Alright then, let’s up the firepower.


The ghasts visit Earth even less often the pigmen, so let’s bring them in. They don’t attack me either though. Well, if they won’t attack me, I’ll have to attack them. One mini-cannon, on the double!


Hey, didn’t I stick you in a hole? Go back where you belong!


Ready, aim, FIRE!


Bwahahaha! That was satisfying. Pointless, but satisfying.

So what did we learn, kids? For one, super-flat means super flat. Also, super-flat apparently also means slime country, due to the close proximity of the bedrock. Lastly, monsters from eggs don’t give a flip about you. All in all, it’s a curious addition, and could stand to be improved a little. Still, if you just want to build you could do far worse.

Alphasim out.

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