Time does fly, doesn’t it? It has been six months to the day since there has been a new article posted here on AAGH. Chaos is Gaming has seen a few updates in that time, but All Around Gaming Hub has sat, a still, idle monument, waiting to be reawakened. Today is that day. Arouse from your long summer slumber, AAGH – we have work to do.
Guys I know his is a drag but we have had technical difficulties. Bud and I are unable to live stream for three or so days. Please excuse the inconvenience.
Thank you.
As of this morning, Chaos is Gaming is now a part of AA Gaming Hub. Big thanks to Will for cooperating with the move. You can find the site’s content either via the menu button at the top-right of your screen or by following the link here. Be sure to let us know what you think of the new content now, and going forward.
There have been multiple inquiries over the past month about our site, AA Gaming Hub and it’s relationship with Chaos is Gaming. The short answer is that I, Alpha, have a hand in running both. Those who know me have asked why the two sites are separate. The answer to that is more complicated – but it may not matter in the near future.
In a sad development, the entire workforce for 38 Studios and Big Huge Games has been laid off. The reason given being financial issues. We feel for the the now-unemployed developers of such a fun, unique title and hope they find work soon.
The 1.8 Adventure Patch for Minecraft was leaked yesterday and has since been given Notch’s stamp of approval. It’s not a polished, finished version so I recommend keeping a back up of your 1.7 minecraft.jar if you’re going to try it out. I gave it a spin and here’s what I’ve found.
IGN is reporting here using information that they’ve gotten from Game Informer and their own sources that Nintendo is planning to debut a new console, dubbed Project Café at E3. This system is reported to be more powerful then the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 and feature a more conventional controller with a 6 inch touch-screen display on it (you can see IGN’s concept design here). Personally it sounds a bit fantastic to me and I for one will have to wait until Nintendo confirms this information one way or another before I pass judgment on it, but for now it’s an interesting concept. I would love to see Nintendo rededicate themselves to the hardcore gamer audience but a new system is only part of the solution. An online network to compare with Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network would go a long way as well. We’ll all have to wait until more information comes out to see what, if anything, Nintendo has planned.