The guys meet the denizen of the End, and he’s happy to show them out.
Our latest Chaos is Comics strip shows our Heroes alone in the End, fighting, not with a common foe, but with each other.
Floata and I are running a Minecraft Let’s Play video series on Twitch, called Chaos is Minecraft. Here are the first two episodes.
Here’s the latest comic from Chaos is Gaming.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are moving the MaMinecraft server back to the old host later this weekend. As you know, the new one sucks and is not good for our needs so please be patient in our transfer – it might be bumpy.
– Floata and Bud
For today’s Chaos is Gaming article, Will and I are starting a series of articles about revisiting MaMinecraft how it used to be. We’ll be travelling back in time to various save point to see how the server has evolved and changed over the past year and a half. Without any further ado, let us begin.
Here’s to our friends at MaMinecraft and chaosisgaming .com Thank you for being a part of our family and enjoying our shows/comics.
To our officers in game and friends for life. Essemm, Zsturgess, Clickbeetle and iRylie. Ry to who we miss dearly and hope she is doing well.
We would like to thank you all for your hard work and patience with our unruly methods and spunky entertainment ideas.. From our warmest part of the souls we appreciate you all and hope to keep a long and healthy friendship we couldn’t be here with out your help guys.
Sincerely: Will
Lead editor
Low level World of WarCraft is a quaint time. You’re not raiding, you’re not hard-core PvP’ing, you’re not grinding for gear. You’re just questing, wide-eyed and excited. Bud and Will have been playing WoW for different lengths of time but now they’re leveling together. Let’s continue their tale.