Bud and Will are villainous – but you all knew that. In this case, though, there’s proof – and it’s in DC Universe Online. Bud took his old evil avatar, Frozen Tomb (originally seen in this live blog) and joined up with Will’s higher-level newcomer, Willchaos. Willchaos is kinda catty, as you’ll soon see. The guys supply some commentary on some scrapbook pictures.
Bud and Will were playing Team Fortress 2 yesterday, with Will on his brand new laptop and Bud on his trusty PC. Will was breaking in his laptop so the guys took to a random server online. Will selected it and…. well, things didn’t go as planned. Surprise, huh?
Here’s a short video from some Chaos is Gaming Unreal Tournament 2004 matches with Bud and Will. We had these long, fun, narrated videos but I recently found out that they were recorded with the sound off. So, instead, you get a short, edited version.
UPDATED: You can watch the the video if you missed it here (part one) and here (part two).
Today around 12 noon EST, we’re planning a live stream of Chaos is Gaming playing World of WarCraft. The guys are level 7 and are going to gun for level 10, and therefore picking their specs. With the guys playing as Pokeypop the priest and Ladreaver the hunter (with Cat the, well, cat), there promises to be mix ups, bickering, and all sorts general chaos broadcast live for everyone to enjoy,
We’re planning on this as a running Let’s Play as Bud, a WoW addict for over four years (as seen on Alazar) tries to help MMO newbie Will learn the game. They don’t plan on stopping until they get to choose their specs at level 10 so this may be a rather long live stream since I don’t foresee a straight, non-stop grind. Again, it’s planned for around noon today. Be there at Chaos is Gaming TV! Their first episode can be seen on Youtube
EDIT: We’re done, after hitting level 10 each in a little over two hours. Thanks for watching.
It’s us vs. them! Bud and Will in a war on the Team Fortress 2 Mann vs. Machine mod. By themselves. Versus a shit load of robots. Oh this will end well.
How about that? The guys found a way to bring even bigger booms to Minecraft. Enter the ICBM mod, and it’s lineup of ballistic missiles. Let’s fire some off!