Today we have a special treat: Floata of MaMinecraft held an impromptu firework show outside his apartment building today. It was beautiful, and you missed it. Fortunately I captured the moment on video for all to enjoy.
Here’s the latest from MaMinecraft.
Today we have another short blip from MaMinecraft news for you. It again centers around Floata’s new build.
How about that? The guys found a way to bring even bigger booms to Minecraft. Enter the ICBM mod, and it’s lineup of ballistic missiles. Let’s fire some off!
A while back we posted Mt. Kaboom #2. What did #1 look like? Here you go.
Bud and Will play Minecraft on the AAGH MaMinecraft server, and recently went to build a castle. A new castle. Not like their old castle, which was basically a oversized tower. No, this one will be a for real castle. You can see their scaffolding for the castle, the skeleton if you will.
Here’s a classic video of our pre-Chaos is Gaming days: Mt. Kaboom #2!