Bud and Will play Dungeon Defenders. They play it decently well, when they know the level. The other day they played a new level. Chaos ensued.
Team Fortress Thursday is a small one this week, with pictures only. Videos will (probably) be back next week. Maybe.
It was a bit of a disaster, to be honest. Bud had a plan, a grand vision. He would take Jeanne and Will to a dungeon in the Minecraft Bukkit mod, GuildEra. It did not go to plan.
Pokeypop (Bud) and Ladreaver (Will) are at it again in World of WarCraft. Here’s what they’ve been up to.
Today we have a little synergy for you. Specifically, the Synergy mod for Half Life 2. Will and I played parts of Half Life 2 yesterday, so here’s some highlights (and some lowlights).
This is a picture of Pokeypop and Ladreaver, two night elves. The former a priest, the latter a hunter, they are better known to readers of this site as Bud and Will. Yes, we took to World of WarCraft the other day. Heaven help our server.