
This is a picture of Pokeypop and Ladreaver, two night elves. The former a priest, the latter a hunter, they are better known to readers of this site as Bud and Will. Yes, we took to World of WarCraft the other day. Heaven help our server.

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This is a quick rundown of Will and Bud’s runs of Dungeons of Dredmor. Taking turns they each had had one life to try and compile a decent score. It didn’t go well at all.

Will went first and named his character Simple. He rolled a character with Sword Mastery, Mace Mastery, Archery, Viking Wizardry, Staffs, Bloody Mage and Magic Training. This was his first foray into the game and the first door he kicked down revealed a store. Yay? He left that alone and wandered off, finding a number of rooms with nothing but gold piles. Bud swears he was cheating somehow. When he did cross some baddies, it was all bad. He nearly died on the first monster he saw but managed to eat enough raw meat to live. Manly! Unfortunately, that wasn’t enough shortly thereafter as he died on a diggle. A frickin’ diggle. One down, and it was Bud’s turn.

Bud’s character, named Popt, specialized in Flesh Smithing, Psionics, Magic Training, Astrology, Necronomiconomics, Mathimagic and Berserker Rage, making his a pissed of caster dude. Bud had played a number of times before and did well but these skills were uncharted territory. He left the first room he started in, and nearly got womped by a bat. After nearly dying going that way, he turned around and went the other way, coming across two diggles. He hit them with a few Deadly Hexes, and within seconds he was dead. Yes, Bud killed himself, because Deadly Hexes hurt the caster about as bad as the target. That sucks, Bud.

Final scores:

  1. Will: 344 points, and lasted 6 minutes, 30 seconds.
  2. Bud: 216 points, and last 1 minute, 30 seconds.

I think Will won. Just a hunch.

Here’s our narrated vids of us playing TF2 against the bots, part of Team Fortress 2 Thursday here on Chaos is Gaming. Let us know if you want more of us blowing dem bots to bits!*




* Bots get blown to bits because we prefer to that to getting blown to bits. Catch our drift? When we get good enough, we’ll take our game to the masses. Stick around for that!

It’s DEFCON time! We hit up the Steam demo for now and head into the game. We do our usual team-up, of course. Do things go as planned? If you have to ask, you don’t know us well enough, man.


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It’s our first update! We’re working!

I’m Bud, and first up Will and I take on Team Fortress 2. I’m an old hand at the game but Will’s just been playing a few days. We’ll pick up first in our latest match, a private server King of the Hill match on Nucleus vs. some bots. Fun times! Will’s going to be throwing in an opinion here and there, I’m sure.


Here we are! I’m the pyro and he’s the heavy, which is effing ironic because in RL he’s a firebug and I’m… well, I’m heavy.


And we’re off!


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