Final Fantasy VII is one of my all time favorite games, and one of the original PlayStation’s classics. Now, it’s available in a new PC version with some minor upgrades and compatibility optimizations for modern hardware. I had to dive in and give it a shot.
World of Pokemon. Does that sound like fun? In case you never heard, Blizzard is adding pet battles to World of WarCraft in Mists of Pandaria (due out September 25th) and to my surprise, despite the obvious Pokemon overtones it’s actually kind of fun.
Another two weeks, another Minecraft update. With the bug-fixing 12w26a snapshot out of the way and the slightly beefier 12w27a now in our hands, we also got the information we’ve been waiting on. Read on to see what it was.
A few more weekly Minecraft snapshots are out and it’s been almost 3 weeks since we posted something about Minecraft so here’s what’s new.
Another Minecraft snapshot is out, so let’s cover the last two here. From tripwires to creative mode end portal blocks, Minecraft is getting more interesting every day.
Minecraft’s PC version is continuing apace with it’s advancements, and it’s latest weekly build, 12w21b, has brought some interesting new features to the fore. Here’s what we’ve seen so far.
Diablo III launched last night, and with it breaking pre-order records, it’s not a stretch to assume many people have been playing it. Here’s the AAGH First Opinion of D3’s opening hours.
TERA, En Masse’s new MMO has just been released and so I’m taking it for a spin. As usual, here’s my First Opinion on it.