With the NBA season opening tonight, what better time to look at the latest entry in the NBA 2K series, NBA 2K15. This is the 2nd current gen NBA 2K, and the first current gen build to make its way to the PC, where we are reviewing it today. Is it as great as 2K Sports claims it is, or are we looking at a regression year for the perennial champs?
I was never that big on Gauntlet back in the ’80s and early ’90s, being more of a Ninja Turtles/X-Men player in the arcades of my youth. My first serious encounter with Gauntlet was Gauntlet Legends for Nintendo 64, which I loved. Now, almost a decade and a half after wasting days with that N64 classic, Gauntlet is back for PC. The question is, is it as memorable and addictive as the series’ history would suggest, or should Gauntlet have stayed just a good memory?
When I started playing The Sims 4, I wasn’t expecting to be impressed. The playable areas were condensed from The Sims 3 from an open world to your house and its surrounding neighborhood, the emotions that EA touted as a big feature seemed like rebranded moodlets from The Sims 3, and the graphics didn’t look like any major step forward. Is The Sims 4 better than the sum of its parts, or is this the fall of a franchise?
I like what Ubisoft is going for with Watch Dogs. It’s an open world 3rd-person action game with some unique twists to it in the form of hacking everything and anything. In the end though, is it worth your time with the likes of Grand Theft 5 still on the market, or is it nothing more than a hack job?
It is always interesting when an ‘event’ game launches, a title that gets folks talking and everyone is watching. Titanfall one is such game. Is Titanfall worth the hype, or is it actually just a titanic failure?
Octodad: Dadliest Catch is the kind of game that you want to love. It takes risks, it’s whimsically creative and it has a good hook, in this case the physics-based individual limb controls. Is it the catch of the day, or should it be thrown back?
As a late comer to the Assassins Creed series (the first one I played was Assassin’s Creed III), I don’t have a lot of preconceived notions about what the series can or should be. Instead I look at it from a more neutral angle, and from that point of view, I’m going on record that Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag is one of the best games I have played in 2013.
Batman’s been around the last few years. From Arkham Asylum to Arkham City to now a throwback story in Arkham Origins, we’ve seen allot of the big bad bat recently. Have we seen too much, or can he still surprise us?