first opinion
Duke Nukem Forever is under review here at, and it may be awhile before the review sees the light of day. Why, you ask? Because I’m not in to self-torture.
Here’s our First Opinion of Witcher 2, CD Projekt’s big-budget PC RPG.
I’ve been awaiting Brink for some time now, and finally got it when it released an hour or so ago. First opinions are important so here’s mine.
I’ve given Dragon Age 2 a quick two hours tour and come up with a short opinion of it’s opening scenes.
Yes, there be dragons in Dragon Age. The opening scenes play out just as in the first act in the demo, and as such is a quick breeze-through for anyone who’s played the demo a few times (like me). My male warrior, Richard Hawke, is a damage dealer so I use other melee characters as my meat shields.