Team Fortress Thursday is a small one this week, with pictures only. Videos will (probably) be back next week. Maybe.
After dying over and over as a Pyro, I decided that healing Will was the way to go. He’s a big ass target, right? The bots will shoot him first, right Of course they will.
They did, and then they didn’t. The demo man isn’t exactly accurate so his bouncy bombs tore me up. Revenge time!
Revenge as a sniper, I mean. Down he goes! I died again soon after, so I swapped to scout. Surely now I…
Oh. Damn. Ok what about a spy? They’ll never see me coming and…
Damn it all. Through all of this Will was mowing folks down left and right. Four matches in and my kill to death ratio was a sterling 1:1. That sucks.
I’m making a new rule: no more make me play TF2 while I’m half asleep. It’s a recipe for disaster.
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