To the ends of the Earth, or at least to the End of Minecraft, go Bud and Will. They decide to make a few forays into the End, the final realm of Minecraft to duel the dragon that lives there. Anyone who guessed that they goofed, congrats, you’re a veteran reader here.
Making use of a LAN server and creative mode, Bud arms the guys with stone swords and makes and End Portal. They gird themselves and hop in.
Whaaa? What the… damn it all. They’re in an enclosed cube of End Stone.
While Bud debates their next move (with himself) Will makes to dig their way out.
He knocks out one block before Bud gets a bright idea. They need to go back to the real world and try again. Bud how?
Death by dynamite, of course.
Bye guys! They get back to the real world but are unable to build a new portal. They make a new world, build a new portal and try again.
This is the sight that greats Bud upon arrival. Again armed with wooden swords, Bud makes a bridge to the mainland (they’re on a floating obsidian island) and go attack the dragon.
Hya! Take that!
Oh. Oops. They try again, dying again, before Bud arms them with diamond armor, enchanted bows and enchanted diamond swords.
Next Tuesday, you’re going down now, dragon!
– to be continued