This is a little later than planned but here it is nonetheless – the 2nd (and last) part of our Chaos is Gaming Scribblenauts Unlimited series.
When last we left, Bud had turned Barney into a dancing purple steak. What to do, what to do?
Pull out an automatic rifle, what else?
Step one is to try it out on that tough little girl, who I learn isn’t quite as tough as I thought. Automatic rifle > Little Girl, apparently. (see the last post for more on our toughness hierarchy)
Die dancing purple steak!
Stop hiding behind children, steak! Oh, and sorry kid.
With the steak finally dead Bud pulls out a rocket launcher to deal with the horrible threat of a dolly laying evilly on the street.
Threat neutralized.
Trying to remove the automatic rifle with a rocket at close range has some side effects.
Ok that sucked. Reload.
If a normal rocket launcher is good, a giant rocket launcher has to be better right?
The clown, the one who survived an atomic explosion and assault by a tank can’t survive a head-on blast from the giant rocket launcher. Maxwell is turning this city into a ghost town.
With the now-open streets the guys take Maxwell for a ride on the world’s lousiest ‘fast motorcycle.’
Oops, the streets aren’t quite empty. Well, if the streets aren’t empty, the skies will be for sure.
A fighter jet is summoned, but despite multiple attempts, they can’t shoot this blue jay. That means that either they suck as fighter pilots or that jay is The One. Let’s just name him Neo to be safe.
Bud, still at the controls, intentionally wrecks the jet in the pool. This gives him an idea.
Solve this equation: Kid…
. plus Toaster…
… plus open pool of water equal what?
Toast, anyone?
The guys immediately feel bad and decide to eulogize their victim with an atomic flaming cake. Like you do.
The cake ticks, the cake burns….
… and burns itself out before exploding. Total let down.
If burning atomic things burn out before blowing, let’s try freezing an atomic person and see what happens.
Ok that works. Fun!
Maxwell is set to ‘giant’ for fun. It has an unintended side effect.
Grab Neo!
You just try bending The Matrix now, Neo.
We submit a blind, dumb spitting frog for your approval. Don’t ask why, ask why not.
Hey, remember our infamous Flying Chicksquirrels from the first part? Giant ones make great mounts.
The guys found a red bird sitting peacefully atop a building and opt to share some of the Flying Chicksquirrels birdseed.
In case you forgot, Chicksquirrels fire birdseed as a weapon.
Nuclear birdseed, naturally.
Who wins in a fight between a Flying Chicksquirrel and a giant Maxwell with a dagger?
Maxwell. Maxwell always wins. Well, unless he doesn’t.
For example, we can’t kill Neo the Matrix-bending blue jay.
The guys try to end their play session by killing Maxwell but a flood doesn’t do it.
They even try adding ‘dead’ to Maxwell’s growing list of adjectives. It didn’t work either. So what to do?
Obviously you summon an angry devil…
… who is apparently female …
… and arm it with a chainsaw.
And Maxwell’s dead.
No, you don’t say. How did that happen?
That’s all folks. I hope you enjoyed the two-part Scribblenauts Unlimited mayhem. Let us know what you think and if you want more of this kind of thing.