Trouble continues while reviewing SimCity. I finally got back onto the North America 1 server, and again could not claim a city.
After fighting with that for awhile I managed to claim a region, but it wasn’t right.
So I have the region, but it doesn’t recognize me as the owner. Let’s try this again.
Still no. I click off of the zone and try to reclaim it again, and I’m told someone else already has it.
Yeah, it’s claimed by me, you stupid game. I quit, reload, try again, and concede to rule my city as Mayor -mayorusername-. After about 45 minutes of running my city, now named Alphaville, the game crashes. I attempt to sign back in and continue but I’m hit with a queue and 30 minute wait between log in attempts. Really, EA? This happens repeatedly for a few hours before I finally get back in only to find out that my city no longer exists. Wonderful. This is going great so far.
SimCity has allot bridges to fix and it’s only been out 24 hours. Let this be a message to other developers: learn from this and Diablo 3 – always-on DRM does not work. I’ll continue with SimCity, RIP later.