Awesomenauts was released on the consoles in May but I didn’t get around to playing it then. Now, with its release on Steam, I was able to give this 2D, sidecroller/platformer/MOBA mashup a try. As a casual MOBA fan, I was looking forward to this.

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Minecraft 1.3.1 released yesterday and naturally we’re going to look at it here. Rather then do a review for a patch, we’re going to take a new angle: I’m going to try and create a narrative to look at what’s new.

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By Betasim

The sign of a successful sims-pansion is that the new content enriches the experience without obstruction other content.  Everyone’s threshold of “enrichment” is different—Alpha, for example, hates being asked to travel to China—but clearly it’s important to be able to carry on previous favorite hobbies while taking on new hobbies or new professions.

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Diablo, the titular baddie of Diablo III seems to have spent allot of his time and effort attacking Blizzard’s servers the last week, but is his game worth fighting him for?

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Minecraft for the Xbox 360 is what it sounds like, and little more. It’s Minecraft on your Xbox, which is far from a bad thing. In fact, it brings some benefits over its PC counterpart. Unfortunately it also brings some drawbacks.

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This is a niche game – that’s really the long and the short of it. Are you a fan of anime, cute anime girls and gaming references, plus able to stomach low-quality graphics and an uninspired story? Then you may enjoy yourself here. Everyone else. you’ll find nothing here for you.

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